I'm easily amused?

Apr 29, 2014 23:54

killabeez , the AO3 least popular meme.  (Bottom ten is simplest.)

By hits:

Dark Nights & Souls.  Hits:  27
It's X-Files, and it's Marita and aliens.  Am I surprised a fic in an older fandom with a tertiary character is at the end of the list?  No.  No, I'm not.  (And, on second look, it's 2nd person POV, now tagged as such.  Also tagged 'What was I thinking?'  Completely unsurprised now.)

A Dream Controlled, Hits: 32
Also X-Files, also lyric wheel, and it's Mulder trying not to go insane. ::amused:: I'm sensing a theme here already.

Distinctions, Hits: 58
Highlander OC, and poetry.  What surprises me is that this isn't at the bottom of the count!

Fools Everywhere, Hits: 59
Haresh & Carter and a really stupid OC immortal.  Huh.  Okay, I'm faintly surprised by this one, but yeah, one-time appearance characters and an OC and no major character, plus an older fandom (Highlander).  I can see it.  Pity, though.

Memento (Mori), Hits: 66
Old fic in an old fandom, and it's horror, and 2nd person POV.  Pity, though.  It's good, if terrifying.

Rerum Naturae
, Hits: 68
X-Files, and maybe I should quit titling things in Latin, who knows?  Eh.  Old fandom, lyric wheel fic, but I did have fun with the succubus.

Ashes & Iron
, Hits: 73
Forever Knight, which has been off air longer than HL or XF, and LaCroix soliloquy which is definitely not everyone's cuppa.  What the heck, though, they're fun to write when he dictates them.  (Yes.  Really.  That's pretty much what writing these is like. If LaCroix talking directly to you sounds unnerving, I agree.)

Fairy Tales, Hits:  78
Also a LaCroix soliloquy; on fairy tale this time, instead of cities and and predators.

Pin-Striped, Hits: 83
Yup, older fandom, minor characters, lyric wheel.  Check, check, and check. Probably needs a better title, too, but I never did come up with one. ::grinning:: It's also thoroughly strange, I do admit.  But it was a fun curse to invent.

Midwinter, Hits: 86
LaCroix soliloqy.  Enough said.

So, Latin, 2nd person POV, mostly.  A lot of my stuff is lyric wheels and/or older fandoms, so those might skew.   ::amused:: Oh, well.

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memes, easily amused, ao3

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