Lurker Amnesty Day & catching up.

May 17, 2014 23:52

I last saw this in February of '10, but hey, why not drag it out again?

Today has been declared lurker amnesty day! Have you read me but never commented? Do you surf by occasionally? Say hello! You are under no obligation to ever comment or delurk again, but here's a chance to do so in a post just for that. Hey, just wave at me, if that's all you want to do and say hi.

In other news, I would be around more often but somehow I've ended up with six workouts a week.  (Sword on Sunday, ballet/weights/Pilates on Monday and Thursday, yoga on Wednesday, and elliptical jogging Tuesday and Friday.  I'm on week five of the couch to 5K and jogged for 8-minute intervals yesterday.  If you'd told me a month ago I'd be doing that, I'd have laughed at you.)  So, between exercise and trying to write... not posting as much, sorry.  I catch up on tumblr a couple times a week over here.  That's kind of it.  How're you guys?

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day in the life, memes, exercise, tumblr

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