I bought what?

Oct 15, 2006 21:53

::eyeing the bag suspiciously:: Okay, they sent me coupons for 25% off one book or DVD, and buy one CD get the second 50% off. But I now own My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (Jim Butcher and Charlaine Harris are two of the writers,and P.N. Elrod edited), and Rogue's Gallery (two CDs of pirate ballads, sea songs, and chanteys) and Sting's Songs from the Labyrinth (Elizabethan lute songs?). Huh. Even for me this is a tad eclectic. Oh, well. It looked like fun. Off to write more horror. Bye!

ETA: unmisha, did you see the link for the SGA/Nsync crossover? ::boggled::

ETFA: And does anyone know what rank Maes Hughes had in our Munich?

day in the life, books, music

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