I still aten't dead

Oct 11, 2006 18:59

I'm just writing madly (one HL piece, one HL/due South piece, one HL/Full Metal Alchemist piece due in two weeks -- meeep!, and the rest as determined by fate, etc, etc) and doing a website that's taking me forever for jimpage363, who's been inordinantly patient with all my questions and distractedness. (If that's not a word, it should be.)

Somebody check me on this, please -- mysteries are pretty much supposed to have the solution to the crime and horror films ought, if you're doing it old school -- I'm thinking Hammer films here -- end with the destruction of the monster. Right? Maybe? Oh, why not....

Poll So about horror films...

Meanwhile, what music do y'all recommend to write horror to? The songs currently on my play list include such beauties as Tori Amos' "Raining Blood" and "See That My Grave Is Kept Clean" which Killa just introduced me to. ::happy sigh.:: Anyway. Back to writing horror, alternating it with comedy (which is why I have a due South piece going), and throwing in some melodrama. ::cheerful:: Actually? This is fun. Bye!

ETA: Eeep! ltlj, I owe you a reply to your question and I'll get to it before I go to bed tonight. Sorry!

characters: darius, characters: connor, writing: updates, site: design, stories: hlcrossovers, fandoms: full metal alchemist, fandoms: due south, challenges, fandoms: highlander

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