You can't always get what you want...

Aug 30, 2004 21:34

I think, though I'm not really sure, that I ended up with a slightly wrong shipment of henna. What I ordered, months back, was two of the copper red for me, and one of the maroon for tarshaan. Well, er, the label says what I put on my hair was supposed to be copper. What it seems to have been was maroon. Whoops? Dark hair for a week or so, I guess, and then I'll try the other bar (which also claims it's copper). At least my hair smells nice?

ETA: As an FYI, tarshaan and I are alternating writing Storm Crow, and it can be found over at our joint LJ, MOTD (short for 'Muse Of The Day,' since that's whose writings go up). Anyway,the next part of the story is posted here.

hair: henna, stories: storm crow, tarsh

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