Bush vs. Churchill, or, 'Er. No.'

Aug 31, 2004 10:42

Cross-posted/gacked from vaznetti's journal, and composed by an eminent Oxford historian who wishes to remain anonymous.

Bush vs. Churchill

In his speech at the Republican National Convention (full text here), Rudy Giuliani compared George W. Bush to Winston Churchill. In response, an eminent Oxford historian who wishes to remain anonymous came up with the following:

Ten Reasons why George W is not like Winston Churchill

1. Winston Churchill fought in the front line in 4 of his nation's wars.

2. Winston Churchill served in almost every significant office of state in the United Kingdom before becoming the national leader.

3. Winston Churchill was the greatest orator of the Twentieth Century

4. Winston Churchill wrote 2 dozen books and won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

5. Winston Churchill spent 5 years before the outbreak of the Second World War warning his nation of the impending threat.

6. Winston Churchill led a wartime coalition government including socialists and liberals which raised taxes and outlined a policy of free national health care, which Churchill committed himself to implement.

7. Winston Churchill created and held together the most powerful multi-national alliance the world has ever seen.

8. So far as we are aware, Winston Churchill never choked on a pretzel.

9. Likewise, so far as we are aware, Winston Churchill never tried to eat a raw corn cob.

10. When he was blind drunk, a frequent occurrence, Winston Churchill would get someone else to do the driving.

politics, history, easily amused

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