Vocal workshop

Feb 11, 2008 16:44

So I see that I never got around to posting about my vocal workshop, which was fantastic!

My voice teacher brought in an accompanist for a series of four two-hour workshops where some of us worked on acting-while-singing and character development. Only four students chose to participate, so there was oodles of individual attention. I really felt like I opened up and sang well -- and doing so made it very obvious that two of the songs were, indeed, just a wee bit low for me. ("Though you swear to change, who can tell if you do?") So no more baritenor nonsense for me. I'm the top -- I'm the moon over Mae West's shoulder!

Anyway, we were welcome to invite a person or two along the way, and I decided that I would invite someone to the last session to have a "real audience" and thus increase my anxiety a bit more (but in a good way), mulling over callmedixie, alan_o, or Mark the Stray, but then had the tooth issue and ended up missing the last session due to the pain. So, oh well! Maybe I'll invite someone to the next masterclass instead.

I think I'm going to sing the "Nun schwanden" aria mit chor from Die Schöpfung soon/next.


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