Jul 02, 2007 13:40
- Smoking (in public places) is now banned across Britain. To celebrate, the Atlantic Hotel had a black & white smoker's night the night before the band and then a 60s & 70s night the night after the ban. It's party central here.
- Halleujah for iTunes and New Rules for Boats. Skips on My Record is such a good car song but sucks for me because I currently don't have a car. Great, great EP and for those who haven't got it yet, bloody hell get it because it's good.
- The Slovakian couple (kitchen porter and waitress/housekeeper) have mutinied (sp?)!! They legged it after the boss (Jaime) found out they, their Slovakian friends, and a couple of our staff (not me or Claire), had an after-party in the boss' flat downstairs. A keyboard ended up being snapped in half. It was the first time I've seen Jaime angry and swear and I feel the same way as when a teacher or tutor get angry - oddly scared and slightly amused. Amused, perhaps, because Jaime refers to non-English speaking staff as "The Eastern Block" people which is ignorant (there was a Pole and a South African with them P.S). Now we are frantically trying to find replacements whilst the guests ask us "Do you ever get a day off?" and my answer, smiling desperately, "We try".
- London is soon. My parents are set to depart for their whirlwind tour in a few days. I hope they are not put off by the current terrorist activity in the country - as if the floods weren't enough - 2 car bombs discovered in London and a car bomb detonated in Gatwick Airport.
- The Spice Girls are reuniting. FACT. David Beckham said so.
- The staff BBQ (was looking forward to it because I was asked to help build a fire on the beach and you know how I like to burn things) was postponed due to crap weather.
- Claire and I are moving staff quarters. We are going to live on-site at the hotel in a bigger room with a bath. We'll miss Care Paravel (what we christened our current room) but Care Paravel 2 will be just as good. There's a towel heater in there and the bathroom has a good view. Also, we have a couch and the TV is on a wall-mounted swivell-y thingo.
- Christmas. Claire and I are wondering where to spend Christmas this year. It is Claire's favorite time of the year and so it's gotta be REALLY REALLY CHRISTMASY. We watched Elf last night ("....and then we can cuddle.") and think New York is the place to be at Christmas time (in amongst all that consumerism) but it's in a totally different direction that we intend to take so maybe Germany will be Christmasy. I'm taking suggestions now. Please, no one suggest Lapland - it's Christmas there year-round.