Where the hell did this come from???

Oct 08, 2004 02:39

Oh Wow.

Just watched Farenheit 911 for the first time, since I have been in this political awareness type of mood lately. All i can really think of to respond to this incredible film is...

Let's make Dubya put one of his two daughters (if not both) into an army uniform, give them a gun and a knife or something, and send them off to downtown baghdad during an insurgance.(Actually, they might not do half bad, if given enough alcohol. They seemed pretty good at destroying their own good girl images and transforming themselves into no class whores.)

Let's see if maybe then he has an idea of how it is to lose a family member through one of his own policies. What a freakin' retard. (My sincere apologies to anyone reading this who might be impaired. I would never compare you fine people to a disreputable vermin like Dubya.)

I really don't think I have ever been this pissed off at an executive member of our government before. I feel like if given the opportunity, i could spit nails in his general direction. Especially his eyes, since he can't seem to see anyway.

I wonder if he knows what it is like to have the taste slapped out of his mouth?

I bet he is dumb enough to be persuaded to try it out.

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