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Oct 07, 2004 03:20

I think i might be a gambleholic.....lol

My mother and I went to Atlantic City for the past weekend to see the sites and visit my Mom's best friend who met us there from Pennsylvania. We had a great time and spent alot of money, but in other ways it was a disappointment too.

First of all, the people there weren't exactly the nicest people i have ever met. They were ugly. (I am speaking in terms of inner beauty). In fact they were very cold, and that made them seem even uglier, if possible. I mean, there were nice people, but they were few and far between.

But one place definitely made up for it. I will now utter the word for god that is on the lips of gamblers across the world. "Borgata" . That place was badass, which is what i think borgata might actually mean. A palace hotel, with an incredible casino on the first floor. Taj Mahal nothing.

But the real reason I am typing this is because just about every single place in Atlantic City was on strike. All of the casinos, except the Trump casinos, and a select few others, had protesters banging on poles and carrying placards asserting their positions.

As I watched, entranced, i suddenly realized that this is exactly what our entire country is based on. Not better benefits for dealers and other such casino stuff, but getting heard and making a choice and difference, no matter what the cost.

I mean, these people were apart of a union, and the casinos could very well have fired them all, like would happen in Florida, which is where i am used to employers treating their staff like dog meat because it is a right to work state. But these people didn't care, because even though the worst could happen, they would take the fall together, even as they ran the risk of raising the work standard for everyone.

I remember thinking, "Good for them, I hope they get everything they want out of the negotiations ". Even though I don't think it likely, corporate business being what it is, I really hope it works for them.

But that is exactly what started the revolution for this country. That is why we are where we are today. The world superpower nation. numero uno.

But it also dawned on me that we are losing that sense of responsibility to act in such a manner. Even though all these people were out there marching, I know that there were many more people who worked in these casinos. Not all of them were out there marching. So where were they? Most likely out looking for new jobs already, leaving the fight to those few who did actually care.

We as a collective people, don't care anymore, we are all out for what's best for us singularly. Who cares about the rest of the population. Too bad, so sad.

What we forget is that if people banded together, the standrad is raised for everyone, not just a few. Apathy has left us with greed. So how could anyone trust anybody with something as important as say, the upcoming presidential election??

I guess what i am trying to say is, with every issue going on in your lives, no matter how big or small, try to place it in the bigger scheme of things. What is important to you is important to me. Not just your individuality, but also as part of my community. So, no matter who or what you vote for, vote for it for the right reasons, not just your own personal greed.

Hey, i am not getting paid to write this politically motivated little entry into my journal. I don't even know if anyone is even going to read this. But it just goes to show you, at least some people my age do take an interest in these things, and think about them.

So let's throw in something now that shows i am still a regular kid.

George W. Bush Sucks!!!! Kiss my ass Dubya!!!! I am Gother than Bush!!!

Does anyone wonder who i am voting for?
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