If I were a carpenter.....

Oct 08, 2004 17:07

Well, I had the most weird day I have had in a while.

My aunt is renovating her house and I was asked to help them out. The next thing I knew, I had a hammer, nails, level, saw, and a countersink in my hand. It was fun. I mean I really sucked at it, but I had a great time. They made fun of me most of the time. "Look at the gay man with tools, huh huh huh". But I showed them, I never even injured myself once.

My mother, on the otherhand, was a riot. She beat the shit out of a vacuum cleaner.

Apparently it fell over on her when she was vacuuming the couch. It hit her in the knee and she pushed it off her leg. it must have hurt because she yelled out loud "Motherfucker! God damn this machine!!" she then proceeded to take the hose end she was using and smacked the crap out of the machine. My dad and I busted out laughing and she sheepishly turned around and noticed we saw her do it.

the look on her face was priceless.
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