Review 1: Zombie Bowl-O-Rama

Jan 02, 2011 18:33

Rating: 2/5

Zombie Bowl-O-Rama is little more than a "hey zombies are cool now lets put them in our game" cash in. The graphics are fine and the music has a nice metal zing to it but the game has only an hour worth of play at best.

The main problem is that the base engine for the bowling mechanics/physics is so bad that there is no point to changing from aim at the middle - MAX POWER! for every shot. Controlling the ball as it heads down the lane with the mouse is variable at best and this lack of any real control just has you hoping for a power-up every round.

The power-ups were a good idea in concept, basically they are additions to the ball or lane to either help your shots or hinder the other player. Unfortunately they also are as badly implemented as the basic bowling physics with far too many being a press-button-to-get-a-strike options.

It also doesn't help that almost none of the power-ups have any relevance to the zombie theme which raises my suspicion that was not going to be the original theme until someone creamed their pants over how much money Plants vs Zombies was making.

All in all it gives a very tacked together feel that really achieves nothing beyond a moments diversion whilst waiting for something else to download.

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