Jan 02, 2011 14:06
This is not exactly a new year's resolution (mainly as I just thought it up today) but nonetheless a goal I have decided Im going to have a crack at.
As of this moment, I own 371 computer games through Steam, I also have many non-steam purchased games, but I would have to do all the work adding them up so nuts to that. As such I have oft been mocked (particularly by the darling girlfriend) that I will never play them all and my collection is like having all the pokemon and just always playing pikachu.
So in 2011 I will endeavour to put up one review for each day of the year for games I own and have played.
Obviously since it is already the 2nd and im just putting up my plan, this will not be one review every day on the day but the goal is still to churn 365 out this year.
Also as these will mainly be from games I already own and thus potentially a few years old, don't be hanging out for the latest sneak peak on the awesome new thing. Although chances are Deus Ex 3, Witcher 2, Homefront and Space Marine to name a few are likely to be added to my collection this year.
Way back in 2006 I came up with an out of 5 rating for games, with some modification here it is again and will be be used as part of the review process:
Games get the following rankings from bad to good.
1) Dont waste your hard-drive space.
2) Pick it up at the next LAN if some other sucker has a copy or you have space in your torrent quota.
3) Wait for the next Steam sale.
4) Buy it. Yes I mean legally from a reputable outlet.
5) Buy the limited edition set with all the extra goodies on release day after waiting outside the store in a hailstorm the night before.
Please note it is not a directly linear scale 1s and 5s will be rare, also games will be considered in their context and not directly compared as a Peggle vs Fallout 3 analysis would be amusing yet pointless.