The simplest things amuse men

Nov 07, 2009 19:25

This man, anyway. I was lazing around this afternoon, staying indoors from the Seattle rain and generally relaxing. A company called Vermont Country Store mailed us a catalog and I leafed through it, as I loafed.

Once upon a time I asked a woman if she would wander through her home, finding and on video discussing, everyday things she came upon that could be used for domestic discipline. And there -- in the catalog -- were:

- Old fashioned castor oil -- give your boy a generous helping if he has a temper
- One-piece PJ's with a drop seat -- unbutton the seat, spank well, put to bed early
- Fels Naptha soap -- the brand of choice when Grandma needed to clean a potty mouth
- A hairbrush made of genuine rosewood -- perfect for an over-the-knee licking
- Old fashioned garter belt -- how else can your male maid hold up his stockings?

Apparently I have too much time on my hands :-)
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