Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 - to be safe Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta, fluff Genre: Angst, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 - to be safe Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta, angst, fluff Genre: Angst, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 - to be safe Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta, angst, fluff Genre: Angst, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 - to be safe Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta Genre: Angst, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 - chapter has smut Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta Genre: Angst, smut, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this.
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 (for safety) Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta Genre: Angst, smut, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this.
Title: Remorse Authour: Dana Pairing: AoixUruha Rating: NC-17 (for safety) Warnings: Yaoi, mpreg, non beta Genre: Angst, smut, med terms, mpreg, yaoi Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit with this.