I apologise beforehand to everyone for this small rant, but I'm not having a very good day and my fur is being rubbed wrong.
I also apologise for not yet getting to editing the comm colors, as I've had an english paper sucking out my soul for the past few weeks. I promise it'll get done eventually soon.
Now, to the problem:
I am seeing a lot of posts winding up in the .mistake in tag/subject/info plxfix tag pool. This is also known as the Tag Pool Of Shame. If you have a post in the TPOS, please fix it as soon as possible, because if one morning I come on and I find you have, say, 5 different posts wallowing with the .mistake tag, I will have to punish you in some way until you fix things. Such as, deleting all new posts you attempt to submit, until your other posts are dragged out of depravity.
For first-time posters, I'm empathetic to your little mistakes, honest. I realise that you're new and that you may take a few tries to get it right, but there are tiny mistakes and then there is Completely Ignoring The Rule Post, which I may suspect you of doing if your posts are completely out of left field as far as format goes.
It's been a few weeks since we've opened, which means the GRACE PERIOD IS OVER. If you are not a first-time poster, I am cracking down on you - you should be familiar with the formats. Copious, repeated mistakes are bad.
For a short refresher:
A post header should have this information: Title, by Author - Characters and/or Pairings, Universe, Rating
The post itself should have this information:
Title: Title. Link to fic.
Author: LJ username or author name, link optional
Betas: if your fic was not beta'd, this is optional.
Word Count: as accurate as possible please.
Rating: Rating
Type: is it Gen - no sex, Het - hetero sex, or Slash - same-sex...sex?
Universe: universe in which fic is located
Crossover: If your fic is not a crossover, this is optional.
Characters/Pairings: Characters and/or Pairings, including those from the crossover fandom if applicable.
Genres: genres you feel apply to your fic. CAN include genres not yet in our genre tag pool.
Warnings: ABSOLUTELY MUST INCLUDE THESE, even if the answer is Warnings: None, OR I WILL EAT YOUR FACE.
Summary: Short summary of fic.
Link to Fic, even if link was provided above in Title: Title.
Lastly, a fic should have at least one of each or more of these tag pools: character, author (if a first-time poster, must have .first-time poster tag), word count, rating, type, verse, crossover (if applicable), pairing (if applicable), and genre. If your fic is has a pairing, character, crossover or genre that does not exist in our tag pool, you must include the .tag request tag and specify which tags you want added.
More on these and other fun rules to keep everyone sane around here can be found in the
Greenhornetfic Rules Post, which can also be found by the link in the SIDEBAR.
I hope everybody is listening.
kesomon the Mod