Welcome to greenhornetfic, the official Livejournal Community for all fan-written fiction based on the Green Hornet, his partner Kato, and their rolling arsenal, the Black Beauty!
These guidelines were last updated: Jan. 19, 2011
Before posting anything to this comm, please read the rules and regs that are situated below. With everyone following them, we hope to make this an efficient little club.
Your moderators for this community, Rita (
ritaslayworth ) and Meg (
kesomon ), are kind and understanding people, but we do ask that you read and follow all the rules we’ve laid down. They are here for your convenience and to keep the community working smoothly for the benefit of everyone.
First and foremost, this is a community for posting fanfiction related to the Green Hornet fandom.
Such things permitted are: the posting of fanfiction of any genre, rating, type and word count, relating to the Green Hornet in any form the fandom is portrayed, including the radio, tv, movie or comic-book universes; the posting of recommended fanfiction written by other authors not a part of this community; the posting of announcements relating to the television or radio airing of Green Hornet episodes, if given permission by the moderators to do so.
Such things NOT permitted are: bashing of characters, community members, episodes or movies; posts not related to the Green Hornet, such as posting videos containing Bruce Lee not also affiliated with TGH, or announcements that have nothing to do with TGH about actors who were in the movie or series; posting of art, icons or similar media related or unrelated to the Green Hornet - this is a fanfiction community. There are other comms for art and icons.
Also Not Permitted is the posting of illegal Green Hornet video content for download. I know we all love the Hornet and would be ecstatic to have the episodes or a copy of the movie for ourselves, but this is not the place for spreading bootleg.
If your interest is in posting Green Hornet media suc as art, icons or video, you should join our affiliate
General Law:
Please be polite to your fellow Hornet fans. We’re all family here, bound by the same love for the masked duo. If you don’t like a particular fic or video, don’t start a flame war over it; we subscribe to the belief that, “if you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all.” Authors and artists seeking constructive criticism for their posted work should indicate this in their post.
Please don’t start arguments with the moderators. We reserve the right to screen, lock, or delete posts and entries if they do not conform to the guidelines we’ve set. You’ll get a minimum of three warnings for forgetting to title, tag and/or label your posts properly before we decide what punishment to give out.
TAG YOUR POSTS PROPERLY. We are busy building and will have an extensive tag library for your use. Properly tagged posts make it easy for people searching for specific stories to find said stories.
All posts must include: author tags, character tags, universe tags, rating tags, word count tags, genre tags, and if applicable, crossover tags.
If you are a new poster, please include the .first-time author tag so that we can add you to our author tags list.
If you need a tag that isn’t available, such as a genre or character tag, please state so in your post; a moderator will add it for you.
If your post is not tagged and no tag requests are made, you will receive a comment from a moderator requesting that you add tags, and will have 24 hours to do so without consequences.
**Leniancy regulations are currently in effect; you will be alerted to any tagging mistakes, but as our tag library is still being built, the moderators will add any missing tags for you.
Law Regarding the Posting of Fanfiction:
Any fic is welcome here, from rating G to NC-17, of any genre and any pairing, be it Het, Slash, Gen or other. However, we do encourage the writing of fic with plot and substance more than kink memes and PWP. Use your best judgment for rating your fic.
When posting a piece of fanfiction, please include this information in the subject line thus:
Title of Fic, by Author Name - Character(s)/Pairings, Universe, Rating
For example:
The Origin of The Green Hornet, by Kesomon - Britt/Casey & Kato, TVU, PG-13
This ensures that anyone searching back through the archives via titles will be able to find a particular fic. Improperly titled fics will receive a moderator’s comment and 24 hours to fix the problem.
In the body of your post, please include this information about your story:
Title: TITLE OF FIC (you may make this the link to the fic if you so choose, but please also include the link after the summary as well.)
*Beta(s): Only required if your fic was beta’d by another user. If your beta wishes to remain anonymous, you do not have to include this.
Word Count: NUMBER
Rating: RATING
Universe: RU (radio), TVU (1960’s series), M11U (2011 movie), M40U (1940 movie), and/or CU (comics).
*Crossover: Only required if your fic is a crossover or fusion with another fandom.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): NAMES
Warnings: WARNINGS
About Warnings: you MUST include these, and not dismiss this category as silly or unneeded. Some people have very real phobias, squicks and triggers and may become distraught if caught off-guard reading a fic for which a warning wasn’t given. Anyone who forgets a warning that we mods feel should have been given, or which we’ve received a complaint about not being included, will be disciplined.
If you’ve posted your fic to another location or site such as Fanfiction.net or AO3 and are linking to the outside website, you do not have to put the link under an LJ-Cut. If you are posting the main text directly in your post, you MUST put it under an LJ-Cut, directly after the short summary. Failure to do so will result in a warning and requires immediate correction; further infraction will result in disciplinary action.
If you are linking to your story on a site such as livejournal, the location you are linking to CANNOT be f-locked. If it is, you’ll be warned to either unlock your post or move your story to an open viewing area. We suggest cross-posting to ff.net or AO3 if you cannot remember to unlock your posts.
**greenhornetfic recommends posting your fic to archival sites such as AO3 and ff.net anyways, just in case. It’s cleaner, easier to do, and spreads the love of Green Hornet fanfic throughout the internet.
Law Regarding the Posting of Recommendations:
Many of the rules for posting fanfiction apply to posting fic recs. A few changes have been made for the format of the subject line and summary information.
The subject line for a fic rec should read:
Rec: Title of Fic, by Author Name - Character(s)/Pairing(s), Universe, Rating
In the body of your recommendation post, include all information required for the posting of fanfiction, with these exceptions:
- Beta reader is not required at all.
- Word count does not have to be completely accurate.
In regards to tagging fic recs, include all relevent tags, including the .first-time poster tag if the author being recommended does not already have a rec: author tag.
Do NOT post the complete text of a fic rec in your reccing post; post the link to the fic you are recommending.
Please try to avoid linking to fics that are f-locked or unavailable for all members to read, such as posted in a place requiring an account to view content. Find an alternate source link, if possible; if not, make a note in your post that it may be restricted to certain readers.
Law Regarding Affiliations:
We welcome affiliates with open arms! However, please ask a mod in the Mod Chat if it's alright to post an affiliation community pimping before doing so. If you've gained permission to do so and plan to include an image or banner in your pimping post, the image or banner cannot be wider than 450px, and cannot be taller than 300px.
The Moderators reserve the right to add, subtract, or alter these rules at any time as they see fit to keep the community running smoothly, but will not do so without announcement of a change. But really, we are quite pleasant people. :3 Be not afraid of us. Enjoy your time here at greenhornetfic!
Sincerely, Meg and Rita