Rec: Long Night Till Tomorrow, by Got a Book - Ensemble, mild Britt/Casey, PG, TVU

Feb 06, 2011 01:02

And now for something more positive: my weekly rec! This week, the last of Got A Book's fantastic fics.

Title of Fic: Long Night Till Tomorrow
Author: Got a Book at
Word Count: 23k+
Rating: PG
Type: Gen
Universe: TVU
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ensemble cast, mild Britt/Casey, The Green Hornet
Genre: casefic, hurt/comfort, action/adventure
Warnings: mild violence, a burst appendix, nausea/sicking
Summary: A racket boss, on trial for murder, orders the assassination of star witness Britt Reid. Complications threaten Britt's plan to foil the attempt on his life and endanger the lives of several Sentinel employees.

Why I'm Reccing It:Of GaB's fics, I think this one is my favorite, for the primary reason of The Green Hornet As Badass Villain. Got a Book writes the Hornet and his nameless companion in some of the scenes in the perfect seen-from-an-outside-perspective: they are rulers of their city, and take no bullshit, whether it's stopping a holdup just because it was interrupting them grabbing a coffee, or kidnapping Axford, again! This story also provides a small element of Britt-on-the-run, which is another favorite plot of mine.

character: mike axford, character: kato, character: britt reid, character: frank scanlon, genre: action/adventure, word count: 20k+, genre: casefic, type: gen, rating: k+/pg, genre: hurt/comfort, character: the green hornet, rec: got a book, genre: friendship, character: lenore case, pairing: britt/casey, verse: tv

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