Jul 17, 2012 02:52

These icons are for Chapter One, Main Quest over @ theiconquest. I've been working on these since the first chapter went up, so that exaplains the randomness of this set and hot the icons look. I spent so much time and put a lot of thought into this set (am I weird for doing this?? Yes.) and spent a lot of time checking the categories list making sure my icons fit the 'adventure theme'. I chose Prometheus (loved this film!), Spartacus (naturally), and Once Upon A Time (a series I watched in all of three days a few months back. Loved it, can't wait for the Fall!)

For the details (in order of appearance):
01-10 | B, R, B, B, H, H, R, B, W, B
11-20 | B, R, W, W, R, W, H, B, R, W
21-25 | H, R, W, R, R

Alternates, Rejects


And if you have yet to hear about The Icon Quest, please do give it a looksy (if not to participate, than to look at the pretty icons coming from this amazing community!)

Click the banner to join up today!
Or if you'd like to learn more, go here.


Textless icons are not bases. Do not edit.

Save to your own server and credit off of LJ as well.

Leaving comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you for viewing my icons. :D

icons: prometheus, icons: spartacus series, icons: once upon a time

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