Jul 27, 2006 23:18
so im in tazewell
i love going to tazewell
it is so quite and peaceful here, so many less people here, less noise to compete with.
the air is cleaner. hopefully tomorrow im going to buy some paint(cause dumb ass me forgot mine at home) and paint something for my friends who are jumping on the matramony bandwagon on saturday. also i want to do some planair painting outside. im quite sure i misspelled that word.
anyway, i dropped in on my ex boyfriends mom today on my way in. she looks great and she is a great woman. i had fun talking to her for nearly two hours. hopefully ill get to hang out there some before i go home. alot of shit went down between jake and i, but we tied up all the loose ends and are pretty good friends now, although he is slightly imature and annoying, but everyone is if you spend enough time with them.