Sep 27, 2007 14:27
Well, it's been a long time again since my last update. We had Morgan's two week appointment this past Monday, Sept. 24. We were amazed to find out that she had gained a lot of weight. She is now up to 7 lbs. 4 oz. She was born at 6 lbs. 8 1/2 oz. so she's up quite a bit from her birth weight. It's both good and bad. Good cause I know she is eating well and growing the way she needs to (though she almost gained too much- the doctor said that at this point, they just like to see them back up to their birth weight), but sad as I realize how fast she is already growing and sometimes you just wish you could keep them this small forever! We are doing a little better, things were very hectic in the beginning as you aren't used to the lack of sleep and it's hard to adjust to taking care of another person..but, we are slowly starting to get into a routine. Though, sadly, the routine is going to change ALL over again next week as Justin goes back to work after being off for 3 weeks. Part of me is really nervous about him going back as I've gotten used to him being home and haven't yet had to take care of Morgan it will be hard to adjust to being alone again and not having his help. At our appointment, they said Morgan's jaundice is looking better...they had sent us for blood work at her appointment at 2 days old as they were concerned, but they said she is looking better and they didn't send us for bloodwork again. Though they did say she still has some yellow and we are to continue watching it. They told us that it should be worked out of their system by 1 month if we still see yellow in about a week and a half from now, we are to call them again. If all goes well, Morgan won't have her next appointment till she is 2 months old..but then we start all her shots and that will make me upset I'm sure! As far as myself...I was having A LOT of post-partum depression issues and forced myself to go to the doctor's last Thursday, Sept. 20. They put me on a low dose of anti-depressants and so far so good. It has helped A LOT..though I still have some moments of missing being pregnant and being sad, it passes quickly and I feel I am able to enjoy Morgan now without all the depression. I go back to the doctor on Oct. 8 for them to double check the meds and make sure I'm doing okay. If for some reason I am having problems again, they were going to up the dosage a little. I also have an appointment on Oct. 11 for my regular post-partum appointment to check to see how I'm healing and such after Morgan's birth. So, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated. Now- we are having some issues still with the breastfeeding. Morgan refuses to be weened off the nipple shield (we were supposed to try to have her weened off it by 2 weeks old) and I have recently started getting really sore as it has started almost feeling like she is biting and I can't seem to get her to we may be talking to a lactation specialist and see what we can do. Things may just not work out and I may have to start pumping and feeding her the breastmilk in bottles. I'd hate to do that as I really wanted to be able to continue breastfeeding her, but what is most important is that she has the breastmilk...and if I am too sore, I don't think it's beneficial to either of us as it is not a good thing. SO we will see. Keep us in your thoughts!
Now, I have a quick prayer request as well. Both my grandfather and grandmother were bothscheduled to have heart catherizations in early October as they are having blockage problems and still are...but, the other night, my grandmother had a small stroke and was put in the hospital. She did not suffer any speech problems or anything like that, but she did lose some use in her one arm and hand and they did learn that she has a spot in her brain that was damaged. They learned that she has a blockage in the main artery in her neck (on the left side) and she is having surgery today (Thursday) to try to open it up. She will still need the catherization as well, but they feel she needed this taken care of first. If she didn't have the surgery to open up the artery in her neck, they are fearful she could have a massive stroke in the near future. My mom and dad have been visiting with her and they told me she is very worried about the surgery today and having a very hard time. I ask that you please keep her in your prayers today and for the weeks ahead (as well as my grandfather- he is having a very hard time physically as well and even more so now with worry over my grandmother). If, for some reason, something awful happens during the surgery, I'd be so sad that she never got a chance to meet Morgan. We are hoping to be able to get home soon so we can at least let Morgan meet her great-grandparents!
Well best be going for now, I hear Morgan crying..time for the next feeding.