Oct 13, 2007 00:33
Well, it's been an interesting couple days. I have been unable to nurse Morgan for two days now as I am so sore. Everytime I try to nurse her, I am almost in tears. We have been giving her pumped milk in bottles till I can figure out what to do. I have an appointment with a lactation specialist on Monday so hopefully she can offer some suggestions. Was talking to another girl that had been in our childbirth class and she had been having a lot of problems as well with pain. She found out that her baby has thrush...and so that lead to my curiousity if maybe Morgan and I have that same issue as a lot of the symptoms were exactly the same. I am going to talk to the specialist about it as I can't personally tell if Morgan's tongue is white or not. If she feels we need to, I'll be making an appointment with Morgan's doctor to have her looked at as something has got to be done to figure out what I can do to be able to nurse her again.
We had an appointment with wic today and Morgan was weighed as well as myself. Was surprised to find out that Morgan is still not 8 lbs. yet, I was sure she was by now. She is close though, she is now 7 lbs. 14 oz. and 21 inches long (she was 20 inches at birth). So our little munchkin is growing! They did tell us that she is pretty small for her length. She is currently in the 3rd percentile among other girl babies her age...was surprised to hear that. She was in the 4th percentile at birth. So they did tell us they want to keep making sure she is gaining enough since she is in a pretty small percentile. When I was weighed, I was shocked to learn that I am 3 lbs. lighter than I was pre-pregnancy. So I have lost all of the baby weight and then some (28 lbs. total- I had gained 25 during my pregnancy). I found that unbelievable that in a little under 5 weeks, I had lost all the weight and was even lighter than before. I am happy though as I want to keep losing and be a bit thinner before the next pregnancy. And I am a long way from looking great as I still have a lot of work ahead of me to tone my stomach as it is still flabby from the pregnancy. But, I will get there.
Not a whole lot else going on. We had Morgan's pictures taken last weekend for her 1 month birthday. We are supposed to be able to pick them up on Oct. 25 and I can't wait. They turned out SO great! We are also scheduled to get pictures done for Christmas in November and I'm very excited about them as we are going to get both pictures of Morgan and Justin, myself and Morgan together. Will be great to have a family picture! :-)
Well, for now, must get going. Please keep us in your thoughts so that these breastfeeding issues can be worked out soon. I really don't want to switch to formula and it is so frustrating!!!