I guess that I'm always listening for your feet upon the ground

Jul 09, 2009 10:39

I got my computer back on Tuesday. The computer being gone for a solid week was not so great but the fact that it came back with the video card fixed (which means a new logic board, which is like it having a new brain), a new dvd drive, and a 320gb hard drive (200 gb more than before) all for just the price of the upgraded hard drive (and that even was for the price of a 250gb, they ran out of 250s before they got to mine so they had to put in a bigger on for the same price), pretty awesome. Buying the $250 extended warranty two years ago just saved me $600-$800. Win.

And, conveniently, the computer being gone coincided with random lunches with old friends, the first three days of sun and summer weather since early June, and a weekend of my house being full of amazing people which ended with a swim in the pond and more beer and wine than we started with. Also, I cleaned my office. Really cleaned it for the first time in probably two years. I now have a table and floor space and shelf space and drawer space instead of a large dead printer, zip discs and floppies and cds that serve no real purpose, piles and piles of to-be-filed papers and a useless drafting table that kept me from properly reaching the windows.

Since I've been able to read LJ consistently again I've realized that I am (and have been for a while) taking a much more lurking approach to it these days. I read but I don't comment a whole lot. It's kind of nice actually 'cause it means there's none of the vague stressed-outness I've had around keeping up in the past. My approach to fandom has been much more hands off lately too. And more poly-fannish. Fandoms I have read in in the past month: Pride and Prejudice, Star Trek (& Star Trek RPF), Torchwood, Doctor Who, House. That's probably not near as poly-fannish as some people but I've come a long way from my HP monogamy days. It seems so very odd to me now that there was a time when I read in only one fandom for nearly two whole years.

My computer being away and my continued mainlining of House (more than half way through S3 and we can't have started watching much more than a month ago. And, damn, S3 is good. Very very good, and the more I watch the sexier Hugh Laurie gets) have lead to me only having watched the first ep of Torchwood Children of the Earth. Damn, was it ever good though. I mean there's the part when it's actually well written and then there's Jack and Ianto's relationship talk, Dr. Patanjali (I am sad he won't be continuing on I really liked him double agentness and all), Jack's daughter! and Ianto's sister! Gwen saying good morning to Owen's picture (and being Gwen). But then OMG WTF they blew up the Hub!? Does that mean Mwfany is dead? And what about all the equipment? Jack will make it of course, I'm not really worried about him (and if you know the answers to these questions 'cause you've watched more of it don't tell me please). Yeah. This is going to be a fantastic ride. I can't decide if I want to try to catch up and keep up or spread it all out and savor the experience since this is such a light year Whoniverse-wise.

kittyzams made up this meme the other day and since I like to know about people's music I am going to perpetuate it.

It goes like this: Go to your iTunes and sort by 'Play Count' and tell me (or post on your own LJ but link me to it) the top twenty bands that pop up. Not the top twenty songs 'cause they could all be by the same artist and that's no fun! (And maybe then you want to expand on that with an upload of the top song and commentary.)

My Top 20 List.

1. Pete Bernhard
2. Snow Patrol
3. Matthew Good Band
4. Josh Ritter
5. The Devil Makes Three
6. The National
7. Iron & Wine
8. The American Analog Set
9. Elbow
10. Radiohead
11. Damien Rice
12. The Postal Service
13. Bruce Springsteen
14. Nick Drake
15. The Reindeer Section
16. Tom McRea
17. Jeffrey Foucault
18. The Mountain Goats
19. The Libertines
20. Wilco

This is pretty representative of what I listen to on a regular basis but not necessarily in the order I'd put 'em. It's kind of weird to me that Tom McRea made it in there 'cause I don't listen to him much anymore, also that Jeffrey Foucault and The Mountain Goats are so far down the list 'cause I think 75% of my playlists have Jeffrey and TMG in them at this point.

The #1 song is Silver 2 Blue by Pete Bernhard. In fact 12 of the top 20 most played songs are by Pete. Pete is one of the three amazing people in The Devil Makes Three, he's also a friend of mine. But I don't just listen to his music so much 'cause he's a friend (that's just how I'm lucky enough to have two early self distributed solo albums of his) I listen to his music 'cause he's fucking amazing. Really. Amazing. This song is from one of those early solo albums.

Silver 2 Blue lyrics
(as transcribed by me so probably not 100% accurate)

lately I've been feeling like that old coat you drag around town
I don't know if I'm bringing you up baby, or just dragging you on down
can't you see that I'm finished with so may holes in me
listen closely you can hear those nickles and dimes jingle out to the street
listen closely, you can hear those nickles and dimes just jingle out onto the street

tell me baby, just tell me true
exactly what do I mean to you
am I just another suit of armor made to protect you
'cause this armor's getting ancient and rusty too
and all that salt water's turning silver, silver to blue
all that salt water's turning silver, silver to blue

but you should have seen me when I walked into this town
there wasn't a demon that I could not put six feet under ground
when I was choking an enemy on the battlefield the other day
the funniest thing occurred to me
it's that none of these demons belong to me

tell me baby, just tell me true
exactly what do I mean to you
am I just another suit of armor made to protect you
'cause this armor's getting ancient and rusty too
and all that salt water's turning silver, silver to blue
all that salt water's turning silver, silver to blue

simply if I could be by the plan
I think I woulda done a couple things a little differently if you understand
maybe I missed a couple of things that I should've looked into more
but who knows exactly what I thought what was in store

if I was playing I'd say I'd stop this game
before someone looses

house, music, torchwood, meme, ...the universe and everything

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