(no subject)

Mar 24, 2009 09:13

Arizona was gorgeous and amazing in every way (except for the killer juniper pollen). Maybe if I moved there I might someday get sick of the sight of redrocks against a blue blue sky but at this point it's never ever getting old. I took about 300 picture of said rocks and if I get enough work done today (it's rather nice to come home to a shit load of work to be done) my reward will be to finish sorting through them so I can post some. We'll see how that goes, I've been back since Sunday at 5am, but my brain is still mostly three hours behind.

Did I mention that I saw Watchmen before I left and that I loved it? Well, I did. Very faithful to the comic, and the parts that weren't I feel like were necessarily so. Such perfect visuals and casting. And, I hear there's and extended version that they're going to release on DVD. Totally looking forward to that. I also saw Slumdog Millionaire while I was in AZ and I quite liked that too.

Oh, and I've been catching up on BSG (a bit late to the party I know). I'm up to 4x16 and. Wow. I am both disappointed in myself for waiting so long to finally watch S4 and at the same time glad I've got it all at once and don't have to wait a week between cliffhangers.

wanderlust, watchmen, bsg, comics, movies, arizona

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