here at home the televison is in english. how novel.

Apr 18, 2008 22:14

I do love me a show that can kick my ass, oh hell fucking yes. And boy did Exit Wounds ever deliver on that front. I mean. Jesus fuck. I figured the chances of Owen actually making it to S3 were rather slim what with him being already dead and all but Tosh. TOSH. I don't think a tv show has made me cry that hard EVER. (Movies maybe, but not tv.)

And then John and Grey and Jack. Jesus. The shit that man has been through at this point. "We will carry on." (or whatever that exact line was) Just. And now we are left with the holy trinity of Torchwood [tm fodian]. gah. GAH. There isn't enough flail in the world to express my feelings on this matter. I watched Exit Wounds last night and all day today while I was working I kept thinking about Jack and random moments and just. Wow. Still no coherent thought possible. It's all so epic and tragic. I love it.

It does beg the question though, where is the grieving desperate Torchwood trinity sex fic?

And then Fractures (which the trauma of Exit Wounds kind of obscured a bit). The thing I love next after a show that kicks my ass is seeing the backstory of characters that I already love and having it turn out to be more what I wanted that I imagined.

Ianto going after Jack to get the job. Hell fucking yeah. If I didn't already totally fucking love him I would now. You do not want to get in the way of Ianto and what he wants. omg. So delicious.

And Tosh. TOSH. Man, she's fucking brilliant. *sigh*

And Jack is just so. Jack. Oh, Torchwood you are awesome in your ability to rob me of descriptors. Plus also just plain awesome.

Also, Watching the CW connect interviews has reminded me just how pretty the boys are. I think I'd kind of forgotten.

tw episode babble, torchwood, supernatural

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