screw April in Paris, give me April in Vienna

Apr 16, 2008 07:59

Not that I've been to Paris let alone in April, but I really don't see how it could possibly be more amazing than the last eight days in Vienna were. I am most assuredly a little bit in love with the city. I am also not there anymore, which is rather bitter sweet. It was very nice to spend so long in a city that I feel like I really got to know it (or a piece of it anyway) but it's also nice to have slept in my own bed last night, and be loved up by my cat. Sadly, there are not lovely little cafes a block away in every direction for me to get breakfast at this morning, though. Ah, being in Europe makes me want to be an ex-pat.

It was full-on spring in Vienna, seventy degree weather and tulips and new little bright green leaves on the trees. And now that I'm home there's seventy degree weather here and the snow is gone except for the last remnants of the really big piles and I get to watch the trees bud and the flowers emerge all over again.

Anyway, I am back. At some point I will go through the thousand or so pictures I took and post some but for now... What is up with all of you? What's going on in internetland? Who wrote stuff? (There must be all kinds of post-TW finale fic right? but don't spoil me 'cause I of course haven't watched it yet.) Where are the new pictures I must see? What is going on in your lives? Come tell me things while I'm sorting through emails and trying to figure out where all my work projects stand.

europe, travel, vienna

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