Apr 20, 2008 22:02
Man, I've been tired all day today. That might have something to do with how I woke up and 6:30 yesterday morning (still a bit on European time apparently) and then spent three hours or so pulling up black berries, bittersweet, grape vines and other such bramble-y vine-y things that were threatening to take over the yard. (It was 75 degrees with no black flies the whole time I was out there. Nice weather, but freaky and it's supposed to be in the upper sixties and mid seventies the rest of the week. Hello global warming.) Today my arms and shoulders have felt all kind of sore and weak and floppy, but it's totally satisfying to look out in the yard and see less brush related insanity.
After all the brush wrestling T and I went to a musical adaptation of Farenheit 451 that T's mom did the costumes for. As weird as the sounds it was a really great play. Then a birthday party cookout (more enjoying of amazing weather) complete with excellent live music by the birthday girl's band. *dreamy sigh* One thing that really keeps me from actually becoming an ex-pat like I keep wanting too is all the amazing friends I have right here.
Also, did a bit of a friends cut (mostly got rid of dead journals, people who haven't posted in a year and people who I haven't interacted with in quite some time 'cause our interests have diverged). If I defriended you and you wish I hadn't let me know.
And now, to read about zombies in the bath.
...the universe and everything