snaggletooth smile, sits down at my table

May 26, 2007 20:57

Pirates! A ship full of Jack Sparrows? Fucking right on. And really, now I'm just thinking about that and I can't really think of anything else 'cause it was so awesome, like exactly what I would have wanted if you'd asked except I never would have even said that 'cause I wouldn't have thought that would ever be something that would actually happen. heh. Yeah, I liked that part.

Also, I liked all the crazy over the top fight scenes (and a marriage in the middle. ha!) and all the random hilarity and running jokes (which I can't remember specific instances of just now 'cause I'm thinking about all those Jacks but I laughed out loud multiple times) and pirateking!Elizabeth, and the fact that everyone double crosses everyone and Keith Richards and the western-like big showdown meeting on the sandbar and just the insanity of it all and the fact that it kept me totally entertained for the entire three hours. And I LOVE that Jack is right back where he started.

So, yes, good summer blockbuster, better than I expected it to be. Though I hear there's something to see after the credits, but I didn't stay for it 'cause I didn't know till just now. ah, well. Maybe I'll see it again.

And now friends (newly back from a trip and I'm very happy about that 'cause I missed them) are arriving to watch the last three eps of SPN S2. And next week vacation. Life is good.

movies, potc

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