something told me we'd be happy forever

May 19, 2007 15:19


That was incredibly satisfying and I still don't feel like I'm quite processing it all yet despite having watched both parts twice through. Yeah, random babbling as usual.

God, DEAN. Everything about his reaction to Sam being dead just kills me (and the whiskey drinking. unf). He's just trying to get Bobby out of there so he can go sacrifice himself for Sam. gah. And then the hug when Dean gets back and Sam's okay. *flaps*

I think I say this every single time Bobby's on the screen, but I really couldn't love him any more. He loves the boys like sons. Also, giving Ellen the holy water. He's always always on his game. I fucking love him. (And then there's the part where mekka and I worked out Bobby and John and Ellen and Bill's pasts and how Bobby came to care about the boys so very much, but there's a lot of thinking and dates and actual organizing of thoughts involved in that so more details later, or something.)

Also, Ellen and Dean and that hug. gah. And I am SO glad that she's okay too. (so much hugging in this ep \o/)

I'd always kind of thought that Sam would kill the demon in the end, but makes sense that it was Dean. He got his revenge.

Now Sam's going to save Dean. How much do I love that set up for S3?

The demon's dead, but does Sam still have his powers? Can he learn to use them like the other kids did? I think he could and I'm totally confident that he's not going to go evil. That was just YED fucking with Dean (boy do those demons ever love to fuck with Dean). And Sam killing Jake shows a change in his thinking but not a change to evil but more of a realization, I think, that sometimes Dean's shoot first ask questions later way of doing things actually is the best course of action.

So for S3 we've got, the demon army, Sam getting Dean out of his contract and them still being wanted by the FBI. Awesome.

Also, there are tie-ins with the comic going on here and it's makes me v v happy. Dean's whole not wanting to answer Sam's questions because he wants him to have a normal life? Yeah. That's in there and it makes me like the comic more knowing that.

And yes, there are plot holes and whatever, but I really don't care the sheer AWESOMENESS overshadows all else. My ass is throughly kicked and I am still very much in love. Kripke you're my hero, don't ever change.

spn episode babble, best fucking show ever. seriously, supernatural

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