we're done lying for a living

Jan 12, 2007 10:53

Okay, wow. Just wow. What a freaking ride, man.

I really like Ava a lot. She is, in my opinion, the best girl of the week so far. Also, she came to save Sam instead of the other way around which is a very nice change.

Sam being a potential devil soldier, not that shocking. But, god, the boys' reactions. Sam taking off (and stealing cars, oh, it's nice to see that on screen, and the lockpicking too. lockpicking is sexass). Dean desperately calling Ellen (and man I be he feels like even more shit for lying to her about Jo now that she didn't lie to him about Sam).

Sam going to see Ellen, and their conversation (and then they had hot angsty sex in the kitchen while they were waiting for Ash).

I knew there was no way that Sam could actually die but the didn't keep me from pulling my knees up to my chest and holding my breath through the entire scene. God, the look on Dean's face when he thinks Sam is dead.

I wonder if we'll see the repercussions of Sam getting Gordon arrested. I suspect that that along with the fact that other people apparently know about Sam's powers is going to be a real problem at some point. Like maybe they'll have to barricade themselves inside the Roadhouse to defend themselves against a band of vigilante hunters (except I suppose they wouldn't be vigilantes just hunters but whatever).

I love Ash and his equal opportunity left over beer drinking.

Dean wants to stop hunting to protect Sam, take him away somewhere safe (with pot. hee). God. GOD. That's just. *flaily hands* Those boys love each other SO MUCH. That last scene in the car makes me so happy (and sad in that perfect way). So so perfect and THEM, you know. Like more them than them and that doesn't even make any sense but just. YES. times like five billion.

Holy fucking WOW do I ever love this show. Jesus.

spn episode babble, supernatural

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