tell them, “i’ve been licking coconut skins, and we’ve been hanging out.”

Jan 11, 2007 11:10

Oh, Friday Night Lights how can you be so good? Really. How? I really can't remember the last time a show made me hold my breath put my hand over my mouth so many times in one episode (well, unless it was SPN but I think that goes without saying). I am still very much a Tim girl but Matt, omg, Matt. And Julie. And Tyra. And everything. I could try to be all coherent and, like, say things but I think *flaily hands of love* really sums it up nicely.

And, watching the cast interviews just makes me love it (and them) even more.

It's Thursday! New Supernatural tonight. \o/

fnl, fnl episode babble, i love my shows

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