we're done lying for a living

Jan 12, 2007 10:53

Okay, wow. Just wow. What a freaking ride, man.

Supernatural 2.10 - Hunted )

spn episode babble, supernatural

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Comments 7

femmenerd January 12 2007, 16:27:05 UTC
I love it when you are happy. :)


greenapricot January 12 2007, 16:34:05 UTC
*smishes you*

Good morning, baby. Our show is the BEST EVER.


femmenerd January 12 2007, 16:37:34 UTC
I think I will rewatch some and go back to sleep. BTW, I keep seeing your icons all over the place and it makes me proud. :)


greenapricot January 12 2007, 16:47:09 UTC
Haha, I thought it seemed awfully early for you to be up. I'll be rewatching again at some point today too after I manage to pull myself away from reading review posts and get some damn work done. It'll be a good reward.

heh. Aww. I keep seeing them too and it always catches me off guard at first 'cause I'm like "wait, I haven't commented on this fic yet. oh." and then it makes me happy.

Dude, I am so full of love for everything right now. mwah.


(The comment has been removed)

greenapricot January 12 2007, 20:56:15 UTC
Gah. I KNOW. There were many "oh, Dean"s and "oh, Sam"s and even an "oh, holy fucking shit" on my part. GOD, I LOVE IT WHEN IT BREAKS MY HEART. SO MUCH.


prurient_badger January 12 2007, 22:16:19 UTC
I suspect that that along with the fact that other people apparently know about Sam's powers is going to be a real problem at some point. Like maybe they'll have to barricade themselves inside the Roadhouse to defend themselves against a band of vigilante hunters (except I suppose they wouldn't be vigilantes just hunters but whatever).

OMG YES. I was just saying that I wanted roadhouse fic and that is it right there.

This show wins so hard. I just want Sam and Dean to run away to Vermont and be happy together! (But of course, Sam wouldn't be happy and Dean wouldn't be happy 'cos Sam wasn't happy and it'd all spiral out of control and they'd end up killing a werewolf in the town square. Yes.)


greenapricot January 13 2007, 00:48:20 UTC
I think you should take that roadhouse fic and run with it.

Oh, god, Vermont. Do you know how freaking happy them being in Vermont would make me? Like, as happy as Dean putting his hand on Sam's neck ON THE ACTUAL SHOW. Which is just. GAH.

DUDE. If this show won anymore... I don't even know what, but it would be EPIC.

And, I may be slightly incoherent having just watched it again and also had some wine and OMG. SHOW. It turns me into a crazy person and I don't even care.


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