i think it must be the soap you use, it stays with me all day

Oct 31, 2006 13:20

When I first woke up this morning at quarter to seven and could hear the fire horn going off downtown my first thought was "what if it's not going of because of a fire, what if it's to warn us that we're under nuclear attack?" And it wasn't a freaking out thought it was just an "oh, maybe it's the apocalypse today" thought. I guess that's what reading zombie apocalypse comics right before bed will do to a girl.

And, speaking of the zombies. I just bought myself this kickass tshirt. Yay, zombies!

T and I were at a friend's house last night (wathcing Heroes) and T came across this catalog that sells equipment for firefighters and police. He likes that kind of stuff so he was flipping through it and found

in the firefighting section, so he pointed it out to me. To which I said "You know, Dean always did want to be a fireman." But, yeah. How freaking cool is that? Either it's a freaky freaky coincidence or there's someone in the Galls catalog design department who's a Supernatural fan. My money's on door number two 'cause I've totally used character names in similar ways in the past.

And, last night's Heroes was awesome. I watched it in a room with a bunch of people who kept talking and asking questions (or, well one person in particular anyway) so I'll have to watch it again. But I totally knew Niki was going to be a villain and that her kid's got powers (which, yeah, we don't have proof of that but both parents with powers and the super smartness, come on). My love for Hiro continues to grow and grow, and I can't wait for next week. Looks like the awesome will continue.

Oh, and it's Halloween. Happy Halloween! (But, honestly, I agree with Sam about the whole dressing up thing.)

spn really is taking over the world, i am a big dork, dean wants to be a fireman, supernatural, zombies, heroes

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