i just love to see you smile

Oct 30, 2006 16:52

I really do think Simon Said is the best Supernatural ep so far (for real this time not like Dead Things which just pushed all my buttons) but even with having watched it three times already I still can't seem to wrap my mind around talking about. Or, well coherently talking about it anyway. It's like I reached the squee plateau and it'll all be more rational from here on out, which is good 'cause any more squee and my head would probably explode.

Anyway, somewhat coherent babble about
I love the Roadhouse and the fact that the boys have a home base now, people that they can trust (or will eventually even if they don't quite all the way right now). I love Ash, Ellen, Jo. Dean being scared of Ellen. "There's a PBR in it for you." ASH WITH NO PANTS. Dean's scary love of the van. The Star Wars references. Andy. I hope we get to see Andy again. "Baby, I'll never leave you again." Dean/Impala OTP, baby! DEAN FUCKING SINGING. LOVE. SO MUCH LOVE. (my number one wish for the S2 gagreel is now that somewhere Jensen sings the entire song 'cause, man, how much do I want to see/hear Jensen belt out "I just can't fight this feeling anymore". omgah.) And monkiedude made a clip of the singing for easier watching of it over and over and over again (man, it's kind of hard to stop).

Damn, but Jared's a better actor this year than last, I mean I noticed it before but seeing the clips from Nightmare and then his talk with Andy, the difference is amazing. Go, Jared, go. And, I like his hair in this ep too. I feel like S2 has hit it's stride. And though I do eat up the angst and the man tears with a gigantic spoon It's so nice to have so much funny. That's when the show is the best when there's balance. I hope they've got Ben Edlun lined up for another ep somewhere down the line.

Not to mention all the crazy thinky plot things to think about. How many other kids has the demon actually got to? And are they ever going to come across another kid who's mother getting killed drove their dad to be a hunter. I mean there's a real possibility there, right? Also, the demon killed Andy's adopted mom but not his real mom. But it knew about his brother. Does that mean that the only reason the demon is killing the moms is so the kids grow up motherless? But Max had a step mom. I love that they've given us all this stuff to think about and I don't even want to figure it out I just want to sit back and see how it unfolds.

Also, I love how watching shows with characters with powers of any kind with the boys always turns into an (often heated) discussion of which superpowers we would most want, how best to get away with using them to not have to work for a living without getting caught, exactly what kinds of scams we would pull and how we would execute them.

Which brings me to Heroes, which is kicking fucking ass. At first I was worried that it was going to go melodramatic on me (but not in the good way that I like) but, man, each ep just keeps getting better and better. And a new one tonight. Whee!

Also, finally caught up with Veronica Mars and BSG over the weekend and, yes, I am loving both of them too. That's four shows I'm watching, now. I know that's not a lot compared to a lot of people but I don't even get tv reception and I haven't regularly watched a tv show when it was actually on tv for something like ten years (and I haven't been really really excited about one since probably Northern Exposure and the X-Files). It's just kind of weird.

There are some stills from Dead Things over here that I hadn't seen before (spoiler warning: there are stills from 2.07 at the very bottom of that linked page).

Jared's face in this one. :)

There's just something about this one. Yes, it's a damn fine hole, boys.

This one too. Oh, boys.

Oh, and I saw The Prestige last night. Excellent, excellent film.

Is LJ slow today or is it just me?

spn episode babble, veronica mars, spn picspam, heroes, bsg, supernatural, tv, movies

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