you and me lying on the tile floor trying to keep cool

Aug 02, 2006 14:37

It has been brought to my attention by longsunday that everyone in the world may not be aware of the amazingness that is Josh Ritter. I feel I must do my part to remedy this. He's a little bit Bob Dylan, a little bit Nick Drake, a pinch of Tom Waits, a little bit country, a lot folk and a whole heap awesome. His songs feel like travelling, often are about ( Read more... )

music, josh ritter, bsg, supernatural

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ana_grrl August 2 2006, 20:50:34 UTC
BSG. I'm now up to ep10 of S2


So, got any BSG fic ideas?

But yeah, holy shit do I ever love that show!


And holy shit do I ever want me some Kara/Lee fic. gah.

Kara/Lee seems to be the most popular pairing out there. There is a TON of the fic. I haven't read any though, because I find Lee very, very dull and boring. But seriously, you shouldn't have any trouble finding Kara/Lee. But I don't know what to rec/which authors are good/which ones aren't.

I am hardcore shipping a het pairing, and I love it. wtf?

*g* BSG makes all of us do unexpected things.

Are you seeing the Chief/Helo vibes yet?


greenapricot August 2 2006, 21:14:21 UTC
EEEEEEEE!!, indeed. :D

Man, I don't have any fic ideas for anything. It's getting to be very frustrating. But if I did have ideas it would be some sort of epic and mostly likely never finished Kara/Lee with lots of UST and near missses and snark and then sex but no plot. heh.

See, I want recs so I know it's good and 'cause I'm lazy and I don't want to have to wade through everything and I know nothing of BSG fandom yet.

I did yes, I've been looking for them 'cause I know you're writing them, and I finally saw it in. Well, one of the last two eps I watched I think. There was fighting also I can totally see the whole can't be with who you want to be with so be with the other person who wants to be with that person but can't either thing turning into something. Oh, and beating up people together. But even still everything is overshadowed by Starbuck.

Also, did I mention that I totally love Gaeta? 'Cause I do.

I need to get me some BSG icons, and fast.


ana_grrl August 2 2006, 23:54:56 UTC
But if I did have ideas it would be some sort of epic and mostly likely never finished Kara/Lee with lots of UST and near missses and snark and then sex but no plot.

LOL! You could write short snippets of a larger storyline. Like 'day in the life' kind of things.

See, I want recs so I know it's good and 'cause I'm lazy and I don't want to have to wade through everything and I know nothing of BSG fandom yet.Yeah, I think recs are key. Because I mean it when I say that there's a boatload of Lee/Kara stuff out there. Somedays I see three of four new stories posted a day to bsg2003fic. And a lot of the Lee/Kara stuff is like part 22/? which I will never even try to read ( ... )


greenapricot August 8 2006, 00:34:25 UTC
I totally believe that there are mental Kara/Lee shippers. It just makes sense somehow and honestly, that's why I stick to LJ and steer clear of mailing lists.

I'd totally be into some non Kara/Lee recs though, 'cuase I have no idea where to start in this fandom.

Also, am I remembering correctly that you wrote some sort of BSG zombie fic somewhere?


ana_grrl August 8 2006, 00:47:25 UTC
greycoupon does weekly BSG rec posts. She sorts them by theme, generally, although this week the theme is 'no theme' so there are some Lee/Kara fics in there, along with some other stuff. You should check out the recs posts - she does a broad range of stuff! Something for every taste.

As for things that I've liked:

Fallout boy, by familyarchives
A Five-things fic about Billy. But this has spoilers for up the to the end of S2.

The Prophet, by doomcrayon
General s2 spoilers.

Five Deaths (Laura Roslin) by Rheanna
Season 1 spoilers.

Also, am I remembering correctly that you wrote some sort of BSG zombie fic somewhere?Ahaha! I would never write zombie fic! ICKY ( ... )


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