you and me lying on the tile floor trying to keep cool

Aug 02, 2006 14:37

It has been brought to my attention by longsunday that everyone in the world may not be aware of the amazingness that is Josh Ritter. I feel I must do my part to remedy this. He's a little bit Bob Dylan, a little bit Nick Drake, a pinch of Tom Waits, a little bit country, a lot folk and a whole heap awesome. His songs feel like travelling, often are about ( Read more... )

music, josh ritter, bsg, supernatural

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ana_grrl August 2 2006, 23:54:56 UTC
But if I did have ideas it would be some sort of epic and mostly likely never finished Kara/Lee with lots of UST and near missses and snark and then sex but no plot.

LOL! You could write short snippets of a larger storyline. Like 'day in the life' kind of things.

See, I want recs so I know it's good and 'cause I'm lazy and I don't want to have to wade through everything and I know nothing of BSG fandom yet.

Yeah, I think recs are key. Because I mean it when I say that there's a boatload of Lee/Kara stuff out there. Somedays I see three of four new stories posted a day to bsg2003fic. And a lot of the Lee/Kara stuff is like part 22/? which I will never even try to read.

And from what I understand, some of the Lee/Kara shippers are a little mental. But I've only heard that obliquely, you know? Mostly I've heard some of the mailing lists are scary, but I am not on any, so who knows?

I mean, I could rec you non-Kara/Lee stuff, if you want that.

Oooh, and yeah, Gaeta is awesome.

I'm glad you're seeing some of the Helo/Chief slashy vibes!


greenapricot August 8 2006, 00:34:25 UTC
I totally believe that there are mental Kara/Lee shippers. It just makes sense somehow and honestly, that's why I stick to LJ and steer clear of mailing lists.

I'd totally be into some non Kara/Lee recs though, 'cuase I have no idea where to start in this fandom.

Also, am I remembering correctly that you wrote some sort of BSG zombie fic somewhere?


ana_grrl August 8 2006, 00:47:25 UTC
greycoupon does weekly BSG rec posts. She sorts them by theme, generally, although this week the theme is 'no theme' so there are some Lee/Kara fics in there, along with some other stuff. You should check out the recs posts - she does a broad range of stuff! Something for every taste.

As for things that I've liked:

Fallout boy, by familyarchives
A Five-things fic about Billy. But this has spoilers for up the to the end of S2.

The Prophet, by doomcrayon
General s2 spoilers.

Five Deaths (Laura Roslin) by Rheanna
Season 1 spoilers.

Also, am I remembering correctly that you wrote some sort of BSG zombie fic somewhere?

Ahaha! I would never write zombie fic! ICKY!
But seriously. Yeah, I did, but it has spoilers up to the end of season two. It's Gaeta POV.


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