It's all
filodea's fault that I've hared off to go take personality tests and what not.
Main type
"Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
Take Free Jung/Enneagram Personality Tests personality tests by We went further along in our adventure to find that our brain handles tasks equitably, but that I am very neurotic, not aggressive, and scored in the 92nd percentile when it came to word intelligence (or some such rot) and which was supposedly a very high score (which must mean I'm quite smart due to the correlation between vocabulary and intelligence).
In any case, the way these suckers tell it, you'd expect to see me biting my nails to the quick (I used to) every other minute while wailing about the fate of humpbacked whales and baby seals, plus wondering if a bird is going to relieve itself on my head if I dare step outside, blah blah blah. Just because I tend to plan for the worst does not make me a basket case!
Mm. I'm pretty sure Wilhelm from Xenosaga is a 5-yes, he is. An interesting read
here for those into that game, and possibly even if not.
(Edit: Actually, I found a better link in
cadaya's profile of [
Actually, all this might help explain why people so frequently ask me (when I'm even around them), "Are you all right? You look upset." (No, I'm thinking, and I've had a scowl on my face since I was at least 5 years old. Now go away, you're breaking my train of thought.)
(We won't talk about that IQ test I took which put me just shy of genius. Obviously it was flawed for me to score under the mark!)
(Oh, and CI 19 is about 2/3 done.)
P.S. I love Laguna!