Perspective pries your once weighty eyes, and it gives you wings.

May 05, 2006 17:46

Phew. Just finished with Directing ten minute play was very well received, which, quite frankly, was both surprising and pleasing. Perhaps I had seen this show too many time during rehearsal, or perhaps I'm just a nervous nelly like this, but I didn't think it would go over as well as it did. But I received nothing but positive feedback from my fellow classmates, and if the amount of laughter is any indicator, the rest of the audience enjoyed it as well. (Great sigh of relief). Even, Capt. Undemonstrative Himself (my prof) gave me a smile after the critique, so that's sweet. Props to my actors, props all the way, especially for being willing to eat hour and a half old McDonalds food. That takes guts.

Vag Mono is going swimmingly. We've got two performances left, and I know that once it's done, I will miss it. It was a trying rehearsal period, but it all came together and it was worth the effort. It's those moments when I'm holding for a laugh that make me remember why I put myself through the ringer that is theatre. Before I go onstage, and even as I set my stool, all I want to do is run screaming in the other direction because I'm so scared of what could happen once I'm up there all by myself, but then once I get started....there's no place else I'd rather be at that moment.

In other news, I still haven't heard back from the camp I'd like to work at....I don't know exactly how to feel about that, but at this point it's out of my hands, all I can do is wait, expectantly.

I have three finals on Monday which is going to kick my's Theatre History, Directing, and Algebra....the holy trinity of hard tests. So guess what I'm going to be doing this weekend? Not running down the middle of the street naked, that's for sure.

And now off to the end of the year dept potluck.....and then onto Vag Mono.
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