Dear GrangerSnape100-
Week 28/29 Results, Week 30 Challenge
Order wins with 10, Death Eaters have 0 (they must have all been at the midnight release parties).
This week's challenge:
Member bonsaibetz wants a hair challenge. She says: "Severus or Hermione has had a little accident and has lost all their hair. Cause of the hair loss is your choice: Potions, charms, hex, age, your choice."
Mod Spam - ARCHIVE
Don't forget to archive your work at the GrangerSnape100 archive at the Petulant Poetess. LJ stinks as a fic archive, and putting your work in a real archive will allow non GS100 members to enjoy them. You will also get more and different reviews. You can also post your drabbles to FFN as an independent post. FFN has no categories for SS/HG or drabbles.
Cross posting is always allowed.
Mod Spam- ART
We allow art on GS100 now based on the weekly challenges or as illustrations to other challenge posts.