Clogged Pipes

Aug 02, 2016 01:49

It's been ages since I've posted here. Let's hope I can get through this without mucking up the formatting and still conforming to the challenge.

Title: Clogged Pipes
Team Name: DE
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Hair
Characters:Hermione, Severus

“Severus?” Hermione called out.

Severus walked in without glancing her way, studying their Potions Monthly journal.

“Severus!” Hermione said sternly, splashing the water with her feet for effect. When he looked up he noticed her holding the drain plug in her hand.

“What is the matter with the pipes? The tub takes forever to drain.” Hermione was shaking with annoyance. That's when she noticed the height and shininess of Severus' forehead. “Severus, are you losing your...”

“DON'T SAY IT!” he implored. “Not. Another. Word. All that you need to know is that I'm working on it.”

mrs_helenesnape, hair challenge

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