Title: Please Forgive Me parts VI
Team: Spy for the Ladies in Black with party masks
Rating: Mature
Word count: 100
Challenge: I Dare You
Characters: Severus and Hermione.
Authors Notes: The muse is dark but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not mine, just playing in JKR's sandpit. No monies are garnered from this amateur work. All errors are mine, precious. A continuation of the previous drabbles,
Part I, Part
II and III Part
IV and V. Not sure how many parts there will be - but, be assured, this is the last installment tonight.Sorry for the spamming.
I dare you.
She knows he despises those three words. Why would Hermione use them when she knows how much hurt they cause?
She presses cool glass against his dry lips, gently helping the liquor on its journey.
Severus struggles to focus on her eyes - worry, fear, love is clear to see.
“Please, Severus. Don’t leave me, don’t leave us. Dare to face the future, our future.”
Hermione’s hand is warm as she lifts his and places it gently on her belly.
Dare he begin to dream?
Is he strong enough to keep on fighting for his freedom - their freedom?