Crime and Punishment

Apr 14, 2011 23:59

Title: Crime and Punishment
Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 2x100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Deal with Lucius
Characters: Hermione/Severus/Lucius
Disclaimer: I am making no profit. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowling. The rest is mine.


Hermione was sleeping and Severus had pattered off to the bathroom.

The moment was perfect.

Lucius had pushed the coverlet aside and was preparing to swing off the bed when Hermione sighed and turned on her side, facing him.

Lucius froze and peered cautiously, but her eyes were closed. The eyelashes painted a half-moon smudge on each rosy cheek, and a blissful, exhausted smile was still playing on her lips. Thank Merlin, she was fast asleep. Lucius exhaled and steeled himself. Get a grip, you besotted ninny. You’re a Malfoy.

With this firm resolve, he slithered out of the bed.


There were only four steps to the sideboard near the door where the chocolate box lay open, the last truffle resting in its silken wrappings as snugly as Hermione on their bed.

Lucius’ fingers had almost reached it when a strong hand closed around his wrist.

“That’s Hermione’s favourite, you fool.”


“Do you know what she’ll do to you?”

“Very precisely.”

For an instant, the two naked wizards glared at each other, then Lucius smiled.

“I could let you take the blame if I get the truffle.”

A black eyebrow arched; Severus released his hold.

“We have a deal.”

deal with lucius, duniazade

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