Thirt Years Later

Apr 12, 2011 22:09

Title: Thirty Years Later
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Time
Rating: G
Team: Ladies in black with party masks
Characters: Severus, Hermione
A/N: Another post... I won’t say this will be the last; I’ve bombarded your flist lots in the last three days. What I will say, is that I start four days on call tomorrow so writing time will be limit, so this may be the last offering from me this week. I don’t own the characters, I make no money and again no beta has been harmed by this drabble because all errors are mine, damn it I need to own something!

Hermione watched as Severus walked their eldest daughter down the aisle to meet her husband-to-be.

It was thirty years since she’d sat hunched over papers with Draco formulating a plan to save Severus.

Absentmindedly, she reached for the necklace that hung around her neck.

One necklace.

One potion.

Thirty minutes.

That was what it had taken to save the man she loved.

Okay, there was the three days it took to brew the antivenin and the three years and thirty days of research: all worth it.

“Knut for your thoughts,” Severus whispered.

“They’re worth much more than that,” Hermione replied.

savine_snape, time challenge

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