Worse than Death

Dec 25, 2010 19:08

Title: Worse than Death (a response to irishredlass69’s Merry Christmas)
Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: NC-17 for gore?
Challenge: Back from the dead, Possessive!Snape
Characters: Hermione/Severus/Ron
N/A: Please read Irish’s drabble first or it won’t make much sense. First posted on droxy’s journal under tasteless holiday humour. Severus saves Hermione from a fate worse than death.

( Irish's Merry Christmas)

Turning from Severus’ grave, Hermione whispered: “Merry Christmas, let’s go home, Ron.”

“Not so fast,” purred a low, silky voice from the shadows.

The redhead’s features contorted in a grimace of pain. Hermione leapt back, gibbering with terror.

The tall, black-robed figure tightened his grip on the ginger tuft of hair and pulled. The skin and flesh slipped from the skull like a glove.

Ron’s living hands went blindly up to the bare bones of his face, streaked with rivulets of blood.

Severus threw the mangled mess of hair and flesh onto the snow.

“Merry Christmas. Let’s go home, Hermione.”


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