Week 51 Results, Week 52 Challenge

Dec 26, 2010 10:27

Dear GrangerSnape100-

Week 51 Results, Week 52 Challenge

The Death Eaters Win with 140. The Order got 40.

We had a video this week, along with lots of murder. XD

This week's challenge:

We arrive, as we always do, to week 52. Now is time to kick 2010 out of the house and hope 2011 is better.   I think you will find the hangover challenge quite easy.   I'm surprised we haven't done it yet.

The tag “hangover challenge” is now in the tag drop down list.

Old challenges are always eligible so you might want to look at some of the past winter themed or holiday challenges. GS100 has so many holiday themed challenges that is difficult to develop new ones. You can locate these in the tag list of the past challenges link. Some past challenges include mistletoe, headache, coldest winter, comfort and joy, new years, and snow challenges.


Don't forget to archive your work at the GrangerSnape100 archive at the Petulant Poetess. LJ stinks as a fic archive, and putting your work in a real archive will allow non GS100 members to enjoy them. You will also get more and different reviews.


GS100 drabbles can be archived on OWL. For Owl you load your drabbles under SS/HG and use a tags/identifiers: Snape/Granger 100, Snapshot/Drabble.

Please note that OWL is moderated, so make sure your writing has been through a beta.

You can also post your drabbles to FFN as an independent post. FFN has no categories for SS/HG or drabbles.

Cross posting is always allowed.

Mod Spam-ART

We allow art on GS100 now based on the weekly challenges or as illustrations to other challenge posts.

Mod Spam-If new to GS100

Please read the rules on community profile. If you want to participate in a team please hit the team list link so central processing can add you to the list. (Ping me again if I don’t answer.)

The Dark Mod
DE Second Class

2010 challenges, mod-notes

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