Problem Solving for Felines

Dec 24, 2010 11:36

Title: Problem Solving for Felines
Team Name: Spying for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Turkey and Crookshanks
Characters: Hermioine/Severus and Crookshanks
Warnings: Main Character Death
Authors Notes: Now that I've gone and gotten into a mood, my 'death by bad food' theme continues with a new idea! ^_^

It was a shame she didn't seem to realize on her own how wrong he was for her. A foul temper and greasy hair, with a home that saw as much cleaning and upkeep as a catacomb. Yet she continued to fawn over the vile wizard's 'little quirks' and shower him with love and attention until he was close to losing his breakfast.

He'd hoped it would pass within a few months, but as Christmas time came around, it became all too clear - desperate times had arrived, and desperate measures would need to be taken to remedy her little... infatuation.


One as experienced in the kitchen as Severus Snape should have known better than to leave a spoiled turkey liver intended for the rubbish bin so near to the boiling pot of heart, neck, and gizzard. And he certainly should have known better than to turn his back with a cat wandering the house.

By the time that he noticed Crookshanks perched precariously on the edge of the stove- keeping his ginger paws as far from the red-hot burners as possible as he sniffed the boiling pot- the deed was already done, and the 'greasy git' was none the wiser.


It was a lucky thing Hermione had no taste for stuffing made with turkey gizzards, or he might have lost her as well. And while he felt a twinge of uncertainty as he watched her nearly collapse over the wizard's body when he passed a few days later, the feeling of her pulling him close- even if it was to cry into his fur- assured him that it was for the best.

And if he purred a bit too loudly when he curled into her lap at the wake on Christmas morning, none of the other mourners seemed to notice.

deirdre_aithne, crookshanks challenge, turkey challenge

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