No Reason (TwG VIII)

Jun 08, 2008 22:43

Title: No Reason (TwG VIII)
Challenge: Back from the Dead
Team: Spying for Luminescent Avians
W.Ct.: 100
Char.s: SS, HG
Rating: PG
AN: 'Talks with Ghosts' series: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

~ ~ ~

They never did find out why Snape hadn't passed on properly. Hermione spent months in the libraries, researching all there was on ghosts while Severus (very unwillingly) fraternized with Hogwarts' spooks. They met every week to discuss their findings. But they could not come up with a reason.

It was all very maddening.

After all, Snape had fulfilled his life's task. (Voldemort was gone.) His death was traumatic (but he wasn't tied to that location). He didn't have any specific grudges. (Nobody was worth the effort of haunting.)

But Hermione was turning out to be a rather interesting research partner.

back from the dead challenge, iqeret

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