Title: A Time for Honesty (TwG VI)
Challenge: Back from the Dead
Team: Spying for Ebon-cloakèd men
W.Ct.: 100
Char.s: SS, HG
Rating: G
ANs: A far-forward jump in the timeline… Not as… detailed as I wanted.
Talks with Ghosts:
V ~~~~~~~~~~~
She slumped in her chair, relieved to escape cloyingly sympathetic people. "You've been very kind recently," she spoke to empty air.
"I'm not kind." Snape materialized several feet away. "I'm a nasty old git."
Hermione shook her head. "There're numerous comments you could've made after Ron died. You haven't and I'm grateful."
"I don't want gratitude," he said harshly.
"It's only part of what I'm offering you, Severus."
He stared. "Why?" he barked.
Tired, she closed her eyes. "I'm 104, Severus. Ron's gone now; even my great-grandchildren are grown. It's time for me to be honest - with both of us."