Cave of Mind

Jun 09, 2008 04:17

Title: Cave of Mind
Challenge: Locked in the Dungeon
Team: Spying for Ebon-cloakèd Men
W.Ct.: 100
Char.s: SS, HG
Rating: PG
ANs: This sprouted from one of the phrases in the (very much) lighter TwG: No Reason I wrote a few hours back. Title borrowed from a song from Howl's Moving Castle. 'Angst-written' warning.

~ ~ ~

It's disconcerting to awaken staring at your own corpse. To watch it carted off for burial. Disturbing to discover you can't follow; you can't leave the place where you died.

But terror is seeing your murderer lunge for you, experiencing utter hopelessness: you'll never realize life without Voldemort. And, just before dying, knowing you're a ghost. The instant you awaken, it will all happen again.

Wait. An unknown spirit. A wizened scrap of a witch. "Severus," she said, and he recognized her youthful voice. "It's over. Time to go home." He took Hermione's hand and they walked together into eternity.

locked in the dungeon(s) challenge, iqeret

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