Wednesday Words

Mar 20, 2019 08:28

Another low WC week... *sigh* To be fair, I was at my mom's this weekend, which killed 3 writing days, and yesterday was a freaking INSANE day at work, which left little to no time and/or brain power for writing, so I really only wrote 3/7 days at all.

Weekly Word Count (3/13 - 3/19) = 1,858

What I Worked On:

  • daily_deviant Kinky Klue - drafted and posted ficlet! You can read it here.
  • March
    hpfemslash-minifest - began drafting.
  • Rare Pair Gift!Fic - got back from alpha and went through edits.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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